When several alleles are shown, the nucleotide mutations and amino acid changes for a given codon are indicated
in red letters. These polymorphic mutations are reported in
Tables of alleles.
Dashes indicate identical nucleotides.
Dots indicate gaps by comparison to the longest
sequence. Blanks indicate partial sequences (blanks at the 5' and/or 3' end).
Click overview to see all the IGIJ genes of Channel catfish.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C T F G G G T K L S V G AY165787,IGIJ1S3*01 G TGC ACT TTC GGT GGA GGA ACT AAA CTG TCT GTG GGC C
Created: 26/03/2003
Author: Nathalie Bosc